About Me
After experiencing my first home birth with my third child, I felt the spiritual calling to become a midwife. Prior to that, my ambition had always been to be a nurse. I later learned that I had come from a long blood line of prominent midwives and that my life’s journey had guided me here.
After years of home study and two years of college nursing classes, I began my apprenticeship in November of 1985.

Successful Births
Breech Babies
Sets of Twins
Years Delivering Babies
I cannot think of any textbook complication that I have not dealt with.
I love people, expecially babies. I love doing what is right, being involved in a great cause. I love the fulfillment of seeing parents bond with their babies and the joy they feel in their home births.
I love the “love” and lasting friendships. I love the relationship I have developed with my Father in Heaven.

I love how midwifery has meshed well with motherhood, allowing me to work mostly from home, to pack along nursing babies when I ventured out, which was mostly at night while the other children slept.
I am also thankful for many understanding clients who allowed me to do double duty when necessary, like explaining to a teenager over the phone, how to prepare a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, while at the same time putting hot towels on a laboring woman’s back.
As seasons change, those busy days are past and my second set of hands is no longer needed, but I feel so blessed in contemplating how I helped them (my clients) to accomplish their goals; and they helped me to accomplish mine.
I have grown in my understanding of God and truth. I have learned much from the many people with whom I have been privileged to associate.
Midwifery has made me stronger in every way. I have learned that I CAN love anyone through service.
I have been blessed beyond measure.
I look forward to many more years and many more babies!
Meet My Assistant: Rachel Morgan, CMA, CBA, Doula
First and foremost, I am a mother. I have had 5 children, 4 of my own and one as a surrogate.
I love the whole process from pregnancy to labor and delivery. I had my first two in a hospital setting and then decided on homebirth for my last 2. It was life changing and so empowering.
I am a St. George native and have worked in the medical field for over 20 years. I am a certified/licensed Medical Assistant and have worked in multiple fields including: urgent care, general medicine and a variety of different specialties. Mom and baby will always be one of my favorites.
Elizabeth was my midwife and I adore and admire the work she does. So when she needed a midwife assistant, I jumped at the chance.
I began assisting her in 2019 and cannot get enough of it. Along with being her assistant, I also provide help with phlebotomy and IV needs.
I have received specialized training in: birth assistance, advanced fetal monitoring, neonatal resuscitation and doula arts. I am so blessed to be able to witness mothers being empowered by their own innate strengths.